Message from Rector
Dr. HOR Peng Rector of the National University of Management
Welcome to NUM
Throughout the course of 39 years, the National University of Management has been developing progressively in terms of capacity, diversity, and quality education, based on our core values of research, entrepreneurship, and innovation, which take our students and alumni to brigher future.

Our Mission.
The National University of Management is firmly committed to the development of competent and socially responsible human resources with high intellectual knowledge, skills, and ethics in order to be able to make more productive contribution to the socio-economic development of the country.
Our Vission.
key mission which is to improve and apply the best quality standards in education research, and innovation.The strategic Plan 2019-2023 expresses the university's strong commitment to transform the National University of Management to be the leading research university in entrepreneurship and innovation.

Information Technology Bachelor
The Faculty of Information Technology offers bachelor's degree programs that equip students with a strong foundation in quantitative methods, programming, and technology, including database management, operating systems, networks, and internet essentials, and organizational knowledge and tools necessary to apply information technology across every organization, level, and domain.

Management Bachelor
The Faculty of Management offers standardized academic programs that aim to nurture and develop the entrepreneurial spirit in students and build a strong foundation of practical and enhanced skills in management, marketing, and entrepreneurship. Our graduates are expected to possess a competent ability to manage different departments in a company or organization and be able to run their own business successfully with professional communication skills and innovation.

Finance & Accounting Bachelor
We provide an integrated curriculum that is responsive to professional and market needs including Corporate Finance, Financial Management, Cambodian Accounting Standards, Taxation, Insurance, Security Market, and so on. In addition, our experienced lecturers come from expert and business communities in Cambodia to offer best practices and real-world case studies to develop students' understanding of the financial and banking sector in the country and beyond.

Business Economics Bachelor
The Faculty of Economics provides students with conceptual and practical knowledge with high competencies in the field of business economics and economics for development.

Tourism Bachelor
The Faculty of Tourism offers two bachelor's degrees: Tourism Management and Hospitality Management, where both graduates will have the opportunity to work in public and private institutions, the Ministry of Tourism, airlines, companies and travel agencies, hotels, restaurants as event organizers. Tourism Development Officer, Hospitality Consultant.

Law Bachelor
The Faculty of Law offers a bachelor's degree program in law. This program is designed to provide students with an insightful understanding of the concepts, principles, policies, and values of laws both in the Cambodian legal system and international jurisdictions.

English Bachelor
The four-year bachelor's degree program at the Department of English is designed for high school graduates and working adults to meet the needs of the market demand for university graduates with English skills that will help them adapt to changing economic situations.

Gratuate School Master & Doctoral
Master programs offered by the School of Graduate Studies at the National University of Management consists of Master of Business Administration (MBA): Management, Marketing, International Business, Global Innovation Management, courses with a project; Option 3: research thesis.

Research CenterResearch Center
The NUM Research Center was established as a result of the commitment of the National University of Management to develop research activities and the financial support of the World Bank.

International College.International Programs
NUM international College or NUM-IC, located at the National University of Management, offers English-based majors which aim to provide students with essential knowledge ad skills to prepare them to live and work in dynamic cultures and globalized business environments.

Digital Economy International Programs
The Digital Economy Lab, which is part of the Centre for Excellence, was built under the sponsorship of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP Cambodia). This lab is located on the first floor of building F, along with two other innovative classrooms,

International Law International Programs
International Bachelor of Laws Program (iLLB) was established under the leadership of His Excellency Dr. Hor Peng, Rector of the National University of Management. iLLB aims to promote legal education in Cambodia that addresses emerging issues in the currently recognized as a unique legal education program in Cambodia for its innovative approaches.